Shahi Bibliographic Resources
The following resources focus on the cultural history of the Shahi kingdoms. All resources will be regularly updated.
Shahi Publications written by the Project Research Team
References to publications written by members of the Shahi Project Team with direct relevance to the cultural history of the Shahi kingdoms. For a full list of publications by each scholar on this team, see references in the Bibliographic Database and on the individual profiles/homepages linked in the Project Team page.
Shahi Bibliography
References to all relevant publications for the study of the cultural history of the Shahi kingdoms.
Primary Literary Sources
References to primary literary sources relevant to the cultural history of the Shahi kingdoms, including Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Korean, and Tibetan sources.
Bibliographic Database (BibDB)
This resource consists of nearly 8,000 indexed bibliographic references focusing on the westernmost zone of the Himalayan region, and the adjacent regions including the territories of the Shahi kingdoms. Starting as a simple catalogue on paper cards collected by emer. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Deborah Klimburg-Salter in the 1970s, it has been transformed into a local digital database of annotated references. The current BibDB was standardized and edited by Dr. Erika Forte. The bibliography has been collected over many years with the participation of various scholars (see here for full list of participating scholars). The BibDB was made publicly available as an online resource in the course of the FWF-financed National Research Network (NFN) The Cultural History of the Western Himalaya (2006-2013; FWF #S98) but later taken offline. In the context of the present project, the database has been expanded including contemporaneous literary witnesses, related secondary literature, and archaeological reports. The bibliography will be regularly updated.